Daniel Pisarski

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Recent activity by Daniel Pisarski Recent activity Votes
  • New 1440p Profiles Added

    Just added to the SRT and Generic destination types for Solo PRO are new 1440p profiles, which will resize a 4K HDMI or SDI input to 2560 x 1440 in either H.264 or H.265 and at 25, 30, 50, 60 fps. ...

  • Self-Submitting Unit Logs to LiveU

    You can now ask your LiveU Solo unit to send its internal logs to our central system directly - a process you worked with support to do previously. Below are some guidelines and details on how to u...

  • Getting Started With Solo PRO Connect Quattro Kits

    A new option for Solo PRO Connect are the Quattro kits, which include 4 modems, Y cables, and the Solo Belt Pack - all the parts you need to operate 4 modems on your Solo PRO!  An important note, a...

  • Solo PRO Firmware 10.6 Release Notes

    Solo PRO firmware 10.6.0.C3652.Gcff488934 includes the following features and bug fixes: Manual operator selection would sometimes get stuck: when using the feature on the Solo PRO unit to scan f...

  • Can I Sort the Column of Units?

    Yes, with the new filter feature, you can now sort the column of units. There are two modes: Active: the original format, where online units appear at the top Alias: sort the units by their curren...

  • LiveU Solo PRO and Atomos Shogun Series of Devices

    Due to an incompatibility with the HDMI output signal of the Atomos Shogun series of devices and LiveU Solo PROs HDMI 2.0 input, you will need to pass any HDMI signal coming from an Atomos device t...

  • How to Use Livestream Studio 6 with LiveU Solo

    It is possible to use Livestream Studio 6 as a software switcher, and use LiveU Solo as the transmission device for the program output of that switcher.   Basics The basic setup here will be to rou...

  • Using Network Select with Solo PRO Connect and Solo PRO

    Solo PRO Connect uses special sims and data plans which can connect to hundreds of networks around the world.  When you start a subscription for a specific region, such as Europe or Canada, the sim...

  • About Volume and Audio Controls in Solo Stream Tools

    Solo Stream Tools includes some new features for your audio component of your stream.  This article will explain what's new and show you how to use these new tools. Preview and VU Meter On the new ...

  • Solo Stream Tools: About the Beta

    You will notice that Solo Stream Tools is currently labeled as Beta.  During this time, we really appreciate your feedback on the feature and anything you feel can be improved or that was not clear...