You may have read about the RTMP protocol coming to the end of its support life with Adobe, its creator.
This has implications largely for delivery - for instance sending RTMP to a phone or browser to be played. In this step of the total video pipeline, RTMP has faced replacement from protocols such as HLS and MPEG-DASH for years, and these are the protocols that will replace RTMP in that step.
However, as an ingress protocol, it appears RTMP will be supported for a long time to come. Currently, every major social video network, such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitch, support RTMP ingress and in many cases, it's still the only protocol they support today.
When the day arrives for a new ingress protocol, LiveU and LiveU Solo will be ready and current generation devices will be able to support virtually any protocol if required. In most cases, the hardware unit itself is using LiveU Reliable Transport, our own protocol which supports bonding and many other resiliency features, and being "repacketized" in the cloud. This architecture will make it relatively easy to support new protocols when demand reaches the right level.
But until that time, do not let the end of support for RTMP as a delivery protocol concern you - your stream very likely was already not being delivered as RTMP. Instead, whatever service you stream to was probably already converting that video after ingress into the appropriate protocol for the platform in question.
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