You can now "crosspost" your live video - include it on many Facebook pages! In order to use this feature, there is a setup step on the Facebook side involving linking pages that you will crosspost to. Facebook has a help article on this setup step, which is a one-time need.
Once that is complete, you access the crossposting options in Solo Portal under the Facebook section Post Control:
Once you have some pages that have granted you permission to crosspost to them, you will see them listed here:
There are two permission levels whenever you crosspost, and the more direct one may be limited by the page you are crossposting to. The first makes the video available for crosspost but an editor or admin of that page must still approve it, creating the cross post from the Facebook user interface.
The second bypasses this "approval" step and immediately makes a post on the other page.
The link above to Facebook has much more information on crossposting so check it out!
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